Saturday, December 29, 2018

Half Moon

This morning was a very foggy  morning here in Florida. I started off taking some photos of fog but then I looked up in the sky and saw this gorgeous half moon and decided it was a better subject to photograph.  

Half Moon by Julie Everhart

Enjoy your weekend and keep those cameras clicking.  ( And don't forget to look up!)


Friday, December 28, 2018

Red Shouldered Hawk

This morning I grabbed my camera about 8:30 a.m. and decided I would head outside to see if I could get some wildlife shots of some birds. Mornings in Florida are pretty active with wildlife.  Not 100 yards from my front door I found a beautiful Red Shouldered Hawk.  He is usually found nearby the house.. its just a matter of finding where he is hanging out.  Such a beauty!

Red Shouldered Hawk by Julie Everhart

Thank you for stopping by to have a look and remember.. always
 keep those cameras clicking!

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Mockingbird- Florida State Bird

Good Morning!  

I woke up a bit early this morning and decided I would venture outside to see if I could find anything to take a few photos of.   The first subject I was able to photograph was this beautiful little Mockingbird, (which is also the Florida State bird) which was standing on top of our mailbox.  I knew I heard him singing outside my front door and luckily he didn't fly away right away and I was able to get a few shots.

Mockingbird by Julie Everhart

Keep those cameras clicking and enjoy your day!
